It is Sunday and the club is heaving; we are crammed in shoulder to shoulder, clutching our drinks and propelled to the music by the collective undulations of the crowd. I push my way to the entrance, but I find a long taxi queue where people have been waiting over an hour. There is another queue, snaking deep into the car park, of posh frocks and tight t-shirts, waiting their turn to get into the club. Occasionally, expensive cars sweep up and dispense parties of VIPs who are greeted by smiling doormen and jealously eyed by the queuers, their gaze raking these newcomers from glossy locks to vertiginous heels, as they stride past the bouncers. It is 11pm and we have had enough of this madness so we return to Juno and wait for Tom to call. His flight is delayed but eventually at one in the morning he arrives and we leave the kids eating snacks in the cockpit while we head to bed.
It is a short sail to Formentera the following morning where we pick up a mooring buoy in our favourite anchorage at Espalmador. There is an on-shore westerly wind which is forecast to strengthen, so after a rolly night we move to a more sheltered bay near the port of Las Salinas, a short dinghy trip to the harbour. We hire a Jeep and drive to Es Pujols, the Italian part of the Island, spending the afternoon with the kids playing Frisbee on the beach. The wind has picked up considerably and I do two trips ashore in the rib for dinner. When we return to Juno it is late and the onshore wind is pushing white surf across the bar into the lagoon where our rib is docked. We make it safely back to the boat but as the night wears on the wind increases, veering to the northwest and exposing our anchorage to the building seas. I have a fretful night, concerned that our mooring buoy is only rated for boats up to fifteen metres. I set the anchor alarm and just before dawn I am awoken by Fatty who has heard the beeping before me. I race up on deck but it is just the wind backing to the west swinging us out of range of the alarm and by morning the wind has subsided and the day dawns bright and sunny. After a visit to the caves and the famous light house we drop the kids back to the beach and sail around to Es Pujols on the East side of the island, where the water is calm and sheltered from the gusting westerly wind.
Dinner is at Chez Gerdi, a very cool Italian restaurant, spread over several levels of dark wood decking, with deep sumptuous sofas, white leather chairs and glorious Italian food. The staff are charming and they deliver us back to Juno in their newly acquired water taxi, handing us a gift of dried pasta and bottled ragout as they disappear into the night. The next day is our last day with the boys and we anchor off another beautiful sandy beach before heading to the port where they catch the ferry to Ibiza town and on to the airport for the flight home. It has been a fun few days and we have enjoyed getting to know Lucie, who makes us all laugh with her quirky turns of phrase.

Hehe! Long live the rule of thirds, I say